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Module 1: Sticking Up 4 Me (Year 1-3 + Year 4-6)
Bullying and teasing is a reality in every playground everywhere that there are kids. Many Primary School aged children are also playing in the Online Playground – often with limited supervision or support. In 5 easy to follow lessons, fully supported with goals, a theoretical overview and coloured teaching resources, this small group or whole class teaching resource targets: the differences between bullying and teasing; the different sorts of bullying – physical and psychological and the differences in teasing behaviours. There is a practical methodology for the development of TOOLS to create choices for thinking and behaving as well as stepping up to beating bullying and taming teasing. This includes activities targeting Cyberbullying and introducing TOOLS to manage this environment safely for the Year 4-6’s.
Module 2: Connecting 4 Friendships (Year 1-3 + Year 4-6)
Teachers and parents all over the world know that friendship issues in the primary school years can become problematic and very focal for children. Many Primary School aged children are also playing in the Online Playground – often with limited supervision or support. In 5 easy to follow lessons, fully supported with goals, a theoretical overview and coloured teaching resources, this small group or whole class teaching resource targets: friendliness skills; the realities and complexities of friends and friendships and strategies for putting Friendship Flare Ups out. There is a practical methodology for the development of TOOLS unwrapping friendliness skills, decatastrophising friendship issues, and managing friendship flare ups. This includes activities targeting cyber-friendships and TOOLS to promote better ‘Nettiquette’ in this space for the Year 4-6’s.
Module 3: Tricks 4 Getting Things Done (Year 1-3 + Year 4-6)
Small group or whole class teaching resource that teaches, supports, encourages and motivates positive learning attitudes and behaviours. Planning, organisation, goal setting supported by the qualities of persistence, grit, on-task behaviour and self-management skills promote a high level of Executive Functioning and learning to capability.
Module 4: Strategies 4 Managing Me (Year 1-3 + Year 4-6)
Small group or whole class teaching resource that identifies the contribution of emotional self-management and resilience to social, emotional and learning success. Development of emotional self-management TOOLS to assist calming down, emotional self-monitoring, bouncing back, avoiding over-excitability and emotional overwhelm.